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12 Private Piano Lessons
480$12 one hour private piano lessonsValid for 12 months- 12 piano lessons, scheduled between the student and Chesley
1 Private Yoga Lesson
50$1 hour of private yoga lessonValid for 12 months- Yoga Consultation
5 Private Yoga Lessons
200$5 private yoga lessons with ShannonValid for 12 months- Yoga Consultation
6 Private Piano Lessons
240$6 one hour private piano lessonsValid for 12 months- Private Piano Lesson
12 Private Piano Lessons
480$12 one hour private piano lessonsValid for 12 months- Private Piano Lesson
Some of these plans are reocurring payments. Please read the descriptions carefully before registering. Please give us a call or email if you have any questions. Call at (540)745-6550 or email at or
Floyd County, Virginia
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